বৃহস্পতিবার, ৪ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Electricity Data API, Lemon Wallet API and 22 New APIs

LemonU.S. Energy Information Administration releases Electricity Data. Lemon Opens Wallet API to publishers. Plus: miiCard launches Identity-as-a-Service platform, Mogreet Launches Powerful APIs for Video, Image, and Audio MMS, SMS and Content Transcoding,?and 22 New APIs.

EIA API allows developers access to state level Energy data

The U.S. EIA has released an API that allows you access to energy data in your web and mobile applications. The API provides access to data on electricity generation, retail sales, and average prices, and the types of fuel that are used to generate electricity at the state and national levels. In future versions of the API, petroleum and natural gas data will also be provided. To get started, visit the Developer Portal.

Lemon announces platform and API for mobile wallet apps

Apple?s Passbook service has brought the focus on mobile wallet apps. Lemon which provides a Smarter Wallet platform for users to manage their receipts, payment and loyalty cards has pushed the envelope by announcing a new platform called Lemonade. The platform provides an API for both publishers and developers. The publisher API would allow companies to connect their payment, membership cards, receipts and much more into Lemon and connect directly to their consumers. Lemon also wants developers to create add-on services and has announced a $20,000 developer contest.

API News You Shouldn?t Miss

Today we had 22 new APIs added to our API directory including a uk address and bank information service, a credit card identity service, an online real estate report generator, a domain management service, an open scoring service, a real estate listing service and an adult video grabber. Below is more details on each of these new APIs.

Capital One Charges Into Developer Territory With Beta APIs

An API For Creating Personalised Postcards: Stannp.com

AFD Software Postcode EverywhereAFD Software Postcode Everywhere API: The Postcode Everywhere API provided by AFD Software enables developers to look up addresses and banking information programmatically. API calls enable users to search for addresses based on a free-text search string, some or all fields of the address, or a postcode. Additional calls are provided for validating bank account or credit card details, looking up bank details, and searching for banks matching certain parameters. These services are accessible using SOAP calls issued in XML format.

Capital OneCapital One API: Capital One is a financial institution specializing in credit cards, banking and other loans. The Capital One API is a beta service to allow developers access to cardholder data with the user?s permission. Documentation is currently only available by request for access to rewards point and other data.

Cloud CMACloud CMA API: Cloud CMA is an online report generator for real estate agents and brokers. The Cloud CMA API provides a RESTful interface for customers to embed report creation functionality within their websites. Report types include CMA, buyer tour, and property reports.

DiscountDomainsDiscountDomains API: DiscountDomains is a domain registration and management website based in New Zealand. The DiscountDomains API is a SOAP based service that allows users to automate the management of domain portfolios. The service allows users to integrate search, registration, and ongoing management functionality into third party websites. The current API only allows users to manage .nz domain names but future releases will be extended to include non-.nz domain names.

ESPN ALPSESPN ALPS API: ESPN ALPS is a scoring API for Basketball and Lacrosse that allows users to submit live scoring data to ESPN. The API is holding a competition for developers with over $10k in cash prizes. The service uses SOAP calls and returns JSON. API authentication uses an access key and a shared secret.

FlexmlsFlexmls API: Flexmls is a real estate multiple listing service for real estate brokers. The Flexmls API allows brokers and agents to access listings, contacts, and market stats. Users can also add the flexmls listings search tool to third party websites. The service uses REST calls and returns JSON. Access to an API key cost $240 annually.

Forni.caForni.ca API: Forni.ca is an adult video grabber which grabs videos and meta-data from adult video sites. The Forni.ca API allows developers to automate video grabbing through a RESTful interface and returns JSON responses.

HIE EventsHIE Events API: Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) is a group dedicated to supporting the development of Scotland?s businesses and communities. They are especially interested in developing growth sectors distinctive to the region, such as the marine sciences and renewable energy.

HIE frequently hosts events related to its goals. Information on such events can be viewed on their website or retrieved programmatically via SOAP API. The HIE website is provided in both English and Gaelic.

Hunt Mobile Ads Ad RequestHunt Mobile Ads Ad Request API: Hunt is a mobile advertising network targeting the Spanish speaking market throughout Latin America and the United States. The Hunt Mobile Ads Ad Request API provides a RESTful interface allowing customers to automate ad requests.

Internet Storm Center DShieldInternet Storm Center DShield API: Internet Storm Center provides a free analysis and warning service to internet users and organizations. Internet Storm Center gathers intrusion detection logs from users and affiliated organizations to track and prevent the spread of malware. The Internet Storm Center DShield API allows users to remotely interact with the Storm Center service. Users can return backscatter data, return handler of the day, return current infocon levels, check IP address info, and many other calls. The API uses REST calls and can return data in XML,JSON,TXT and PHP.

MoneyScienceMoneyScience API: Money science is a social network for quantitative finance and financial technology. Money Science studio environments allow users to add specially constructed content to the site using a REST API. Content may be delivered in the form of visualizations, data processing, and data.

MorrisComGroup MorrisComGroup API: The Morris Communications Group provides businesses with the ability to switch SIP trunking services with a broadband connection, and other communication services. The MorrisComGroup API supports: Retrieving voicemail information for a mailbox, playing, deleting, and saving voicemail messages. Controlling phone pairing, controlling forwarding, and several other features. The Service uses and REST calls and all communications are fully encrypted in both directions with 1024bit encryption over SSL.

OZ Data CentaOZ Data Centa API: OZ Data Centa aims to inform website owner?s, the public, and any interested party of recent data leaks resulting from phishing or hacking attacks. The site collects and archives instances of data leaks by geographic region. The OZ Data Centa API allows users to request singe archives from Oz Data Centa. The API currently does not require a user ID or authentication to access. The service uses REST calls and can return data in JSON,XML, and TEXT formats.

PanlPanl API: Panl is a monitoring service for websites and applications. The Panl API allows customers to push events to the Panl servers and automate all monitoring and alert functions. The API uses a RESTful interface and returns JSON responses.

SalesnetSalesnet API: Salesnet is a customer relationship management (CRM) service that offers sales, marketing, and lead management software. These services are available online and can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.

The Salesnet API enables developers to integrate Salesnet CRM data with other applications, databases, or websites. The API operates using SOAP calls issued in XML format. Salesnet offers free, fully functional code samples in a variety of different programming languages to provide a starting point for developers.

South France VillasSouth France Villas API: South France Villas offers holiday villas for rent throughout Southern France. The South France Villas Developers API provides a RESTful interface for integrating search and data retrieval from the South France Villas catalog of villa rentals.

StannpStannp API: Stannp is a web and mobile application that allows users to create postcards from their photos. Stannp offers features that let users add effects and text to their photos for postcards to send and share.

The Stannp API allows developers to access and integrate the functionality of Stannp with other applications and to create new applications. Some example API methods include printing postcards, uploading images, managing payment options, and managing account information.

The Customer Connection Register OnlineThe Customer Connection Register Online API: The Customer Connection is a leading group in the implementation of customer reward programs. Examples of their services include loyalty programs, gift cards, birthday specials, email marketing, SMS marketing, proximity marketing, and database management.

The Customer Connection Register Online API allows people to request to sign-up with the site programmatically. This service uses SOAP calls issued in XML format.

VoxeVoxe API: Voxe builds online tools that aim to contextualize, compare, and debate political platforms. Voxe focuses on the content of political candidate?s proposals and the actual features they make possible. The Voxe API provides a RESTful interface for developers to access and integrate the Voxe data.

WEBCONProWEBCONPro API: WEBCONpro is a channel manager for the portal maintenance of hotel booking sites. The site facilitates the upkeep of prices, rates, a booking information to help sites remain competitive. The WEBCONpro API enables full customization of the services offered through the multi property online booking system. The service returns XML.

WheelmapWheelmap API: Wheelmap is an online user generated map of wheelchair-accessible places. The Wheelmap API provides a RESTful interface for integrating many of Wheelmap?s features. The API returns JSON responses.

WordChuckWordChuck API: WordChuck is an app and website translation service where users can access professional translators, or use their own, and automate the localization of content. The WordChuck API can be used to get translations,create content, and generate local data in customizable ways. Users can choose which content is translated and where that content is deployed.

Source: http://blog.programmableweb.com/2012/10/03/electricity-data-api-lemon-wallet-api-and-22-new-apis/

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